Why am I moving, and why is it hard?

From June 8, 2018

My life has been in flux for the last year, I have chosen to get married, move across the country, and a by-product of this, I have had to start looking for a new job.  So, what is it like to uproot everything you’ve worked for over the last many years of your life and step into the unknown?  In short, it’s exciting and bittersweet.


People will move for a new job, a new school, or maybe to reunite with someone they love, but that's not us.  We have chosen to leave it all behind and move from Ottawa, Ontario to Vancouver, British Columbia in search of a better lifestyle.  We are looking to start our new life as a married couple out West and hope that our family and friends will follow our example to live life on their terms, and not to be tethered to anything.  I love Ottawa, and it will always have a place in my heart, but I just believe that it is important to keep moving, to try new things, and to continuously search for a better way of life.  The world is a small place, and it is getting smaller with technology, so why not try something new?  We are aiming for better temperatures, more outdoors inspiration, oceans, mountains, and a lifestyle that we want to model ours after. 


It’s exciting and hard to move, there are lots of pieces to coordinate, but the hardest part is leaving the relationships with friends and family.  I am hoping that with technology we will be able to keep the relationships we have, but it will take effort on both sides and time to get used to.  In the past my fiancee and I have both moved from our home city to the other’s, but we have always made an effort to drive back, invite people to our new digs, or just message friends to keep in touch.  Sometimes the effort is there, but sometimes it’s not, and that doesn’t mean that the relationship is lost.  Some people grow in their own way and that’s ok.  It is hard to stay relevant in someone’s life if you aren’t there in person, it’s just how we work as humans.  This is something we will have to come to terms with, as we say goodbye to our loved ones.  We are leaving in a good place, all of our family and friends are amazing, and everyone seems poised for their next chapters. We don’t see this as leaving our friends and family, we are going onto what comes next in our lives and hope that we can inspire a few people to do the same.  If we fade out of each other’s lives, then so be it, we wish everyone the best and will always love you in one way or another.


When it all boils down to it, the people you surround yourself are a reflection of you, and you are a reflection of them.  You will always have those relationships as a part of you wherever you go, and you will always be able to return to them if need be.  It is hard though, to say good bye, but we need to be able to jump in order to take big steps.  We are very excited for the move, but we already miss our loved ones, I just hope they all realize why we are doing this and come visit us on the journey.